ICS Engineer Lester McClure Reg No 8115

It is with deepest sympathy and respect that l advise all personnel that Retired ICS Engineer, Lester McClure, (Reg No: 8115) passed away on Wednesday 19 June last.

Lester joined the MFB as an electronic engineer, specialising in communications engineering,  on 19 December 1983 and retired on 15 July 2010 after almost 27 years of  dedicated service to the Brigade.

During his time with the MFB he was instrumental in the development of many of the systems and technologies that have kept the MFB at the forefront of Dispatch and network environments. His work included network engineering, development of Alarm Interface Units, ongoing work with Firecom, the development of the Incident Control Module and the design and fit-out of the current Communications Bus (Car 91).