Cmdr Norm Thomas Reg No 2669

It is with regret that I advise all personnel that Retired Commander Norm THOMAS  (Reg No 2669) passed away on 22 May after a lengthy battle with illness.

Norm joined the MFB on 25th June 1971 and retired on 24th November 1998 after more than 27 years dedicated service to the MFB and the community.

Whilst records don’t provide details of his early career,  Norm will be remembered for his initiative in establishing the Peer Support Program, in the early 1980’s, to provide invaluable assistance to firefighters and their families.    Norm was later promoted to Commander where he working in the Training and Fire Protection Divisions.      Norm’s final project, prior to retiring, was a lengthy secondment to Samoa where he led and managed the Australian Government aid project to rebuild and restructure the Samoan Fire Service.